Attention: Health Coaches and Professionals!
Install a Proven System to Add 6-Figures to Your Online Health Coaching Business
that has helped 850+ online health coaches rapidly scale to $10k/months with a consistent stream of “High-End” leads
Without trading away their time for money.
Want to grow your online health coaching business to 6-figures?
As passionate mentors to health professionals & coaches,
We, The Dynamic Fit Pros, are dedicated to helping you scale your income to 10k+/months by installing a proven system.
With a wealth of experience spanning
over 14+ years,
And having built one of the biggest, 6-figure online health coaching businesses,
We have successfully guided over 850 coaches to scale their own businesses to 10k+/months and NEVER struggle with finding clients ever again.
Do you want to be one of them? Then keep on reading…

Going from “$70/hour” to “working on our own means” wasn’t so easy
Hi, our names are Chris & Eric.
Today we own one of the top business coaching companies, helping health professionals and coaches start & grow their online coaching businesses.
But our lives haven’t always been like this…
Because our “origin story” goes 14 years back.
Where we finally realized that being regular personal trainers and nutritionists weren’t scalable at all.
And at that point, we did something terrifying.
In fact, to be able to go from being personal trainers & nutritionists at a small local gym, working 70 hours/week…
To building our own online coaching business in 2010, when online businesses were still a new thing,
Was basically one of the scariest things we had ever done.
However when it finally did take off and we were able to go past 8-10k months in just 3 years,
We knew that we were doing something right,
Something better than many other online health businesses…
And that was creating a system that is not only reliable but that actually works and is scalable.
You see, by applying our proven “6-Figure Health Business” system we were able to not only scale our coaching business to multiple 6-figures,
But by the time we started to help other online health professionals and coaches grow theirs,
We were able to help 850+ of them get the exact same results as us only in a matter of MONTHS.
So that they could not only create more:
And Independence for themselves.
But also finally stop posting social media posts 24/7 without getting any results,
Stop feeling completely invisible in a crowded market place,
And never feel overwhelmed with all of the different aspects in the business ever again.
“But how were they able to do that so quickly?”
Simply by applying these 3-key pillars that´ll help you scale your business as soon as TODAY:

✅Sell by text
Attract “high-ticket” leads and turn
them into loyal, lasting clients simply by writing words.
✅Hustling outside social-media
Catch local clients within a 3-10 mile
radius like fish so that you could start growing &
scaling your business from the get-go.
✅80/20 Hybrid-model
Build a hybrid “in-person and online” health & fitness-business that holds the keys to building a reliable 10k/month income in just _ months, even in an already crowded & competitive market.
Does this sound familiar?
Are you constantly working on your business, but nothing seems to really “click”?
Always finding yourself doing anything & everything to find clients,
But doing it all without any structure or reliable systems in place,
Making it harder & more time consuming than you could ever imagine.
Or perhaps you feel unsure on how to build a following in-person & have no clue on how to do it online either.
Always ending up just posting social media posts all the time, that don’t ever perform since your knowledge & understanding of it is limited.
And therefore, your lack of actual results leads to you becoming unsure in your abilities in business and,
Making you feel like an “imposter”, someone who just “isn’t made for this”.
If any of these scenarios sound like something you have and are currently going through,
Don’t you worry, because you are not alone in this.
And we can definitely help,
Exactly how we did hundreds of times before.

Check Out Some Of Our Clients Best Results
The Truth About Your Online Health Business
If you are like most health professionals and coaches,
You are probably amazing at your craft & helping your clients.
However, you might not be so good at building your business & online presence.
Well, the truth is that today’s education system doesn’t give out any useful information on how you can build & scale a health and fitness business by yourself.
In fact, not even those YouTube fitness gurus do that, and instead just give you the general advice that you can find anywhere for free.
“Bu-but Health Pros… Then how am I supposed to scale my health business if no one’s talking about it?”
That’s where we come in & help YOU build:
⭕️A business with an offer so good, it will have your whole niche craving for your services.
⭕️A personal brand that constantly catches eye-balls in today’s extremely crowded world of social media.
⭕️And a huge social media following so you’re constantly bombarded with high-ticket offers.
Our most successful clients understand that certifications alone don’t guarantee anything when building a health coaching business.
And instead, they embrace on becoming true entrepreneurs & business owners,
With us by their side, following them every single step throughout their journey.
Helping them not only get an un-ending line of “high-ticket” clients,
But build a 10k+/month online health coaching business as well.
Here's what our students are saying
Our students aren’t just satisfied, they have successful health businesses and they’re making money and serving at the highest level.